Saturday, May 9, 2020

Fake News or Real News:You Decide

#FAKE NEWS or real news: You decide?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Social Media Expertise


Barrister: Could you please state your name for the Record
Luke Maniskas: My Name is Luke Maniskas

Barrister: Could you please state or show some of your Social Media 

Luke Maniskas: Well  i was the man that made this PowerPoint Slide

Parliament House of Australia Web 2.0 from Luke Maniskas

I also made sure there was some form of Schedule

Parliament House of Australia Web 2.0 Schedule from Luke Maniskas

Barrister: ah Luke you are linking to your Slideshare Account so can you explain what
this Tom 2.0 Live in China slide is about?

Luke: Well i could but have you seen this
Classification of National Security Information Word Document i made?

Barrister? Then what about this
The Internet Protocols of Humanity Version 2009?

Internet Protocols of Humanity Version 2009 from Luke Maniskas

Luke Maniskas: Oh those, they are so old, there is still the 
2010 and 2012 and 2013 Versions.

Barrister:? And where are they?

Luke Maniskas: On the Line of course

Barrister: you mean online right, your trying to crack a 
joke from The Intern right?
Also can you explain what you meant by this 
The Search for Tom 2.0 Live

Luke Manisks: Well have you seen the Movie
Olympus has Fallen? or White House Down?
This was my attempt at a Movie.

Barrister: Just a few more question? Where you employed by
Greg Weige on behalf of Jetlev Flyer Australia or the Jetlev Trust
to create accounts and profiles online on
for the names of 
Jetlev Flyer Australia
Jetpack Adventures Australia
Jetlev Racing
Flyboards Asia
Back between Nov 2011 to May 2012?
Luke Maniskas: Yes i did in fact this is the invoice and statement 
they still have not paid from May 2012
I also sent them this Letter of Demand recently to give them a 
chance to pay the money owed.
Barrister: Last question what is the go with this 
Analytics of Myspace
Analytics of Social Networks MySpace from Luke Maniskas

Luke Maniskas: Well you don't see Blogs on the New MySpace do you?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Soundcloud - Who is using it?

Hi my name is Luke Maniskas. Here is my SoundCloud Profile

Wednesday is World Environment Day also My Birthday

I plan to listen to these songs most likely on my Birthday 
WARNING: Many of these songs are Explicit in this Set.

Of course i would listen to this set by OAR as well.

Some other artist on Soundcloud i enjoy are



I recommend Sound cloud it is a great way to experience some new music

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Canberra Centenary Trip 2013

The year was 2013

like every person that goes to Canberra and stands outside 
Parliament House
they think
How can i make a funny video with 
Parliament House 
in the Background.

So i started with my 
Canberra 100 years on Video.

Followed up by my Audition to The Daily Show in America

Of course i had to make a Message to the Prime Minister +Julia Gillard 
Then the Video with the +Barack Obama  Doll of Course
Followed up with my video of  Marriage Equality
My Announcement to run for the NSW Senate Video
I think the people at +The White House  would enjoy this video.
My Video thanking the +U.S. Embassy Canberra 
However recently it was noted that 
ASIO Headquarters Blueprints where Stolen
So i have decided for 
National Security
Classify these Videos
Top Secret
And set them to
Private on
to be 
100 yeas after my death.
Or you know
one day when i get bored and choose to change the settings and share the video.
UPDATE: once $10,000
Is paid into this PayPal Account
I will Declassify these Videos for the General Public to See.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Pen lm itpk m gbea wenivf tkabq cun ldtskq tpitpv vqh uvo m kvo ts lntwhbf plp yfvm o zslov yftif eldbpq kvo qetk ltiitmpn ep ftiibqn.  Nm t gbea fvkcfvn ve fsvtfv ofbpc oanngqcp om agfc nzpb ldf wferoc o xeuv fao ofb oanngqf oklob mofbsn ft pti dptx xgbo tr ccoqd qctk.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Jetpack Adventure Saga

The JetlevFlyer Australia
Jetpack Adventures
Jetlev Racing

These were the first Social Media Sites i created for a company for business

I was then asked to do the same from the person that hired me for the names

Jetpack Adventures Australia
Jetlev Racing

Also over the 7 months
was also asked to create the same set up for

Flyboards Asia
Jetlev Mermaids
Jetpack AdventuresUK

After i received an email from a prominant
Australian Copyright Lawyer 
informing me that the company did not have authority to post the photos
or even use the name

I talked to my employer and as i did not like his response, i preceded to give him my
Two week notice as per our contract
He decided out agreement would be terminated then and there
30th May 2012.

To this date i still have yet to receive my outstanding balance for the work done.

I have sent two reminders 
June 2012
and another later in the year.

Rather than pay me this company or people decided to use the 
recovery emails to change the passwords on the 
Twitter and YouTube accounts

However they did not realise 
Facebook and Google+ 
Accounts require the person that created the Page
"transfer ownership"

These accounts are still connected to my personal accounts.
I have not posted anything to them
I am still waiting for this company to 
Pay me my outstanding balance of
work completed.

UPDATE 2013: June

This Letter of Demand was sent for payment of work completed.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Meeting Ella Hooper

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